Our Primary School
I am proud to lead a team that is committed to achieving high standards and providing the very best opportunities for our pupils. Staff, supported by governors, work hard to deliver a rich and challenging curriculum to prepare children for future education and to help them acquire skills and enthusiasm needed to pursue learning for the rest of their lives.
The best way to find out about our school is to come and visit, to see us in action and meet the staff and children. A telephone call to the school office on 0208 546 7179 is all that is needed to arrange this.
I look forward to welcoming you to our school and to a happy and successful partnership with all our new children and families.
Headteacher: Mrs Lulu Esua

Our Curriculum
At St John's school we follow a thematic approach to the curriculum. We can see the benefits for all children in making connections between different areas of learning. You can read all about our subjects and curriculum here.
We also are privileged to have very good curriculum links with Kingston University, where we use their science labs; The Rose Theatre, Stanley Picker Gallery, Museum and Library, Kingston College and the TA Centre.
Our Results
At St John’s our pupils are successful learners and live out our school vision; ‘that our children are happy, successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve their full potential’. We want everyone is our school to flourish and to know ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).
Our Pupils’ achieve the expected combined standard in English, Writing and Mathematics and over the past the 3 years at the end of KS2, they have been consistently above 80%. This exceeds the National Average Standard (65%), and Kington Local Authority average standard.
Our pupils also consistently exceed the national standard for pupils achieving the highest grades. Our end of KS1 data has been consistently higher than the national average for the past 3 years. Phonics Screening test results have been in line with or greater than the national average for the past 3 years. Early years Good Level of Development results have been higher than national standard for the past 3 years.
*Due to the Pandemic, there are no recorded data for 2019-2020, and 2020-2021 academic years.
Home Learning
In line with Government guidance St John's has contingency plans for blended and remote learning, should our pupils need to access this due to having to self-isolate. You can read about the ways we communicate this to our year groups here, as well as find links to useful sites the children use in school.
The Whole Child
At St John's we believe in creating well rounded, informed and globally aware attitudes in our children. In addition to our varied curriculum, we have developed activities for the children to explore themselves and the world around, enabling them to start to make informed decisions about their place in the world.There are opportunities to explore faith and what it means to be a Christian. We are an Eco School and the whole school body is involved and takes part in the children's environmental initiatives. We continue to provide awareness of healthy eating and grow food in our allotment and greenhouse. We promote what it is to be British and discover what it now means to be a global citizen. We ensure the children are aware of their human rights and have just received our Bronze Level of Commitment from UNICEF, and there are opportunities for children to sit on The School Council and make decisions that influence the entire school.
OWL & Forest School
We have created a unique outdoor learning environment used by all the children. We have a large wooded area, with access to the Hogsmill River, a growing garden with a large greenhouse where the children learn about growing food from seed and caring for it over the year before tasting and trying new foods. Creating a safe space, which we call OWL (Outdoor Wilderness Learning), we have developed an educational approach that gives young people increased contact with, and knowledge of, the natural world, and a powerful process that enables the holistic personal development of young people. All of our children benefit from the use of this space, especially those with additional needs. You can follow our work here. Our Forest School was awarded Forest School of the Year 2020.
Our Eco School & Healthy Eating Awards
We are an accredited Eco School and our Eco Mission is: Through our learning, we believe in caring for, protecting and sharing our environment with plants, animals and each other. We actively encourage recycling, reusing and limiting use of energy and resources.
We have National Healthy School Status, the Green Flag Eco Award and were Green Guardian winners. We are committed to promoting and monitoring healthy food at break and lunch times. Different teaching styles and learning opportunities are offered to pupils to develop their awareness and understanding of healthier eating and basic food safety practices, including opportunities to grow and cook vegetables.
We work with a wide range of sports specialists within the school. This academic year we have an excellent dance coach working with year groups. This coach runs the dance training sessions for Kingston and other boroughs, as well as being a dance coach who has prepared the celebrities for Strictly Come Dancing!
Secondary School Destinations
These are some of the high schools our pupils transitioned onto in the past 2 years:
Coombe Girls’ School
Coombe Boys’ School
Hollyfield School
Kingston Grammar School
Marymount International School
Orleans Park School
Surbiton High School
Teddington School
Tiffin Girls’ School
Grey Court School
Community Links
St John's school has strong links with the local churches of: St John's, All Saints and Kingston Methodist Church. Church ministers regularly attend and lead assemblies and we attend St John's Church for important celebrations such as All Saints Day, Harvest Festival and Ash Wednesday.
Members of these churches form an important part of our Governing Body.
Inclusion and Equality
At St John’s we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers receiving services from the school, irrespective of race, gender, disability, faith or religion or socio-economic background. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.
The safety and well-being of every child and member of staff at St John’s is of paramount importance to us. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children (both off-line and on-line) and share this commitment in line with the new government document, Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2020. All staff work hard to maintain an environment where children feel safe and secure and the curriculum is designed to ensure opportunities for children to develop the skills they need. Children know that they can approach any of the adults in school if they are worried and that they will receive a consistent supportive response.
Road Safety Education
As part of our School Travel Plan, developed in conjunction with the Local Authority, children are encouraged to walk or cycle to school. Cycle shelters and a scooter racks are available at school for bicycles and scooters to be left during the school day. During the spring/summer term, Year 5 children are offered ‘Bikeability’ training run by the local authority. Parents are asked not to use the school car park - thank you
There are many after school clubs at St John’s including: BMM Sports (Football & Hockey), Chess, Drama, Spanish, Skipping, Netball, Gardening, Choir, Lego, Dance, Gymnastics, Karate, Art, Sewing & Crafts, Early Maths, and Maypole/Country Dancing.

St John's Virtual Tour