Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)
St John’s has signed up to the local authority’s anti-racist pledge.
Equal opportunities for all
Differences and similarities celebrated
Involved, valued, welcomed and safe
St John’s school is open to children, families and staff of all faiths and committed to providing a broad academic and social curriculum for all. All within school are valued equally and efforts are made to ensure any prejudice or discrimination is not tolerated.
St John’s is committed to positively tackling discrimination in all its forms and works to ensure that all sections of the community have fair and equal access to and experience within employment. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and communities, in particular those that are currently under represented in our workforce; we are respectful of all individuals’ race, age, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, caring responsibilities, disabilities and cultural background.
Diversity is a Fact
Equality is a Choice
Inclusion is an Action
Belonging is an Outcome
Our ethos is one of acceptance, respect, understanding and striving for excellence. All members of our school community are encouraged to understand, appreciate and value the differences between us, and to challenge negative labels and attitudes. Equality underpins the value system of St John’s. It is acknowledged that discrimination may be direct or indirect and includes victimisation and harassment. Promotion of equality, celebration of diversity and inclusion must exist in our employment procedures and in our dealings with pupils, parents and other members of the community.
We want everyone in our school to flourish and to know ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).
We are a Rights Respecting School, and as such strongly believes in and promotes the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Our school expectations are embedded around our Christian Values.
We show care and respect for each other at all times. (RESPECT)
We tell the truth. (HONESTY)
We keep trying our hardest at all times even when things are difficult.(PERSEVERANCE)
We are polite and helpful to others. (SERVICE)
We use kind hands, words and feet. (KINDNESS)
We listen to each other and follow what adults ask us to do. (LOVE)
We work and play thoughtfully together. (FRIENDSHIP)
We walk sensibly around school with pride and look after our school and belongings. (RESPONSIBILITY)
Educating our children through the powerful tool of reading about our amazing diverse world is a great start to their understanding. Dive into the link below for a diverse and inclusive reading list.