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Faith in Action 

In Romans 12:9, God says, “Be sincere in your love for others.” In James 2:14-16, God tells us that if we truly have faith, we can’t help but also do good things!

At St John’s we encourage our children to show their faith in what they do every single day! For example, helping their families with the different jobs that need to be done around the house, being a good friend to others, and even doing small things that make a big difference like saying “please” and “thank you” or simply holding the door for people. 


We constantly think and look for ways to act in love for others, serve and help others; putting our school values into action. Older pupils are play leaders and buddies for younger children; our Faith Group meet on a regular basis and help with our Collective Worships. Our ‘On Our Hearts’ prayer group meet weekly to give thanks, pray for local or global issues or bring concerns to God. 

Our School Council, Rights Respecting Ambassadors and Faith Group meet regularly to support school leadership and improvement as well as reminding us of our Christian responsibility to look after our world.


They decide on a range of charities to support over the course of the year to raise awareness of issues and support those working for change. Some of these charities are:

  • Local Food Bank through our Harvest Appeal

  • Shoebox appeal

  • Poppy Appeal 

  • M’khalapadzuwa School in Malawi

  • Comic and Sports Relief

  • Children in Need

  • Local Kingston charities

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 Our choir participates in a number of local events sharing their faith within our community: for example, sharing the Christian message through song at St John’s Church, All Saints Church and Kingston town Centre. In addition, they also sing for the elderly residents at the Bradbury House Day Centre. Seeing the inter-generations mix as the residents join in with some of the songs is a joy. This is an excellent opportunity for the choir to bear witness to their faith in the wider community. 

Our Christmas Celebrations are always an excellent way for us to share our faith with the wider community. Children from Nursery to Year 6 share the Christmas story and its true meaning through drama, prayers, readings and songs. This special Christmas service is held every year at St John’s Church and is well attended by parents, governors and the local community.

 In our Harvest service, we give thanks to God and collect for our local food bank. All our services in the church are open to the local community.

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Showing We Care Projects at St John's 


 Byron Y2 Class regularly visit Bradbury House, our local Day Centre, and enjoy reading to the day visitors there. They often perform dances or sing for the visitors there. 


Darwin Y3 Class, regularly go litter picking along the Hogsmill and around our school showing they care for their local environment. Edison Y1 Class enjoy picking up litter in our playground as they believe it is important to keep our playground clean and tidy. 


 Anning Y4 Class took part in a Read-a-Thon to raise money for the charity ‘Read for Good’. This charity supports hospital bound children through books, and they also bought a range of reading books for our partner school in Malawi. 


Newton Y5 Class visited the Save the World club, a Kingston charity. The class learnt about the different ways the charity helps the community and promotes environmental action and change. Children donated different items to the charity to help others in need. They also designed posters to promote the organisation and their cause. 

Kids Gardening

Hubble YR Class regularly visit our local community gardens. They plant sunflower seeds and help to look after the garden by watering the plants and vegetables.

Courageous Advocacy 

We teach our children that is important to help others regardless of where they come from or what their challenges are. We teach this in many ways; through our work on values, by links to the Bible, other faiths and world views as well as learning about other courageous advocates through Collective Worship. We want our children to have confidence to discuss and debate big ideas, to challenge injustice and engage in activities that can bring about change on some level.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

Proverbs 31:8 

Our children are courageous advocates who believe that they can become ‘agents of change’ to strive towards a fairer and more joyous world. This means that they champion causes that are special and meaningful to them; connected to matters and concerns personal and close to home for them or linked to wider global issues. 


Turin Y6 Class wrote letters to our local MP, Ed Davey, to express some of their concerns about the local area. The children presented some of their ideas to solve the problem.


Our School Council, Faith Group and Rights Ambassadors collected donations of clear pencil cases filled with stationery for our Partner School, M’khalapadzuwa, in Malawi. 

A Faith in Action Prayer

Dear God, 

Please help us to show our love for you by putting that love into action. Help us to show kindness, serve and help others no matter our differences. We want to show our faith with our actions because we love you. Amen.


(Grace Y5)

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