Our Nursery School
Our Nursery is busy with happy, confident children exploring and making friends. It's the first stage of becoming part of our St John's Family. Set in the heart of the Grove Conservation area, right next to our green spaces and Forest School, the Nursery has its own secure entrance. It is based in a self-contained classroom next to the main school building and has an outside play area that is shared with our Reception class. We offer morning or afternoon Nursery sessions with some 30 hour provision for eligible families.

Our Nursery School
We are very proud of our Nursery school, our pupils and their achievements. We are an inclusive Nursery where every child matters, meeting the individual needs of both children and parents, enabling children to reach their full potential. Our indoor and outdoor areas provide learning and social opportunities for children in a happy, safe and secure environment.
What children experience in Nursery can create strong and lasting foundations on which to build in later life, so we believe it is essential that the first experiences at St John’s C of E Primary School Nursery are both enjoyable and of the highest quality.
Our purpose built Nursery is attached to the main school and shares its outside play area with the Reception class. It has been designed with soft and comfortable furnishings to create a calm and welcoming environment, helping to make the transition from home to Nursery as smooth as possible. We have a variety of carefully planned and resourced areas that offer a rich, exciting and interactive learning environment in which your child can explore, discover and learn through play. We also have access to our outside wilderness learning area (OWL) during the week.
We take the safety and security of the children very seriously, and the building has been modelled with the needs and the safety of the children in mind. Access to the Nursery and outdoor areas are strictly controlled with external gates and doors locked at all times.
Meals and Snacks
There are snacks available throughout the session which include fruit and vegetables as well as other interesting foods which provide a range of tastes, flavours and textures. Milk and water are available during the session.
Our Routine
A good routine contributes to a child's security. Our day is organised so that children enjoy a calm atmosphere, know what to expect and what is expected of them.
A typical session in the nursery will include:
Self registration
Key group time
Child initiated/focus activities (indoor and outdoor) Tidy up time
In the Moment Planning
St John’s follows the ‘In the Moment Planning’ (ITMP) model. This is a very simple idea – we observe and interact with children as they pursue their own interests while assessing and moving the learning on in that moment. The written account of some of these interactions becomes a learning journey. We use Tapestry as an online learning journey when we can share photos of your children with you during the year.
Twice a week we have access to Outside Wilderness Learning (OWL) and spend a session in our ‘Forest’. We believe that learning and playing outside is vital for a child’s mental health and wellbeing as well as being good fun!
How do I apply for a Nursery place?
You can add your child’s name to our waiting list by filling in the application form available at the school office or on our website. Your child will be offered a place in accordance with St John’s Admission Arrangements.
Our usual intake is in September but we may be able to offer a place in the term after your child is three.
Can my child attend full time?
We offer 30 hours provision in our Nursery. We have 8 spaces available per year. These spaces will be offered on a first come first served basis. Please use this link to see if you qualify for this provision.
What are the admissions criteria?
We follow the school admission criteria which can be viewed in our application packs
How can I prepare my child for starting Nursery?
Be positive and confident about your child coming to Nursery. Talk about the exciting play activities they will enjoy, and the other children they will see. This is an important time of change for both you and your child, and the staff will help you to feel relaxed and informed. A ‘Nursery visit' is arranged for you and your child prior to admission. This will also help you to feel prepared and enable your child to settle in happily.
Does my child need to be potty trained?
We do recommend that your child is potty trained before starting Nursery. However, if this is an issue please do not hesitate to talk to one of the Nursery team.
What is appropriate dress?
Please dress your child appropriately for playing and learning by "getting messy." All coats, hats and gloves should be labelled with your child's name. Velcro shoes are great for children (and teachers) during school! Please don't send your child in sandals or "flip flops".
We will ask for wellies to be bought in on our OWL days. As outdoor play is an important part of learning please ensure your child has a waterproof coat, hat and sun cream when appropriate. School uniform is available to purchase if required from the school office but is not compulsory.
Nursery sessions can be 5 morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions
There are 30 hour places available for those entitled to this provision
Your child will attend nursery either each morning or each afternoon from Monday to Friday and for both sessions with lunch if entitled to the 30 hour provision.
Session Times
Session times are currently:
Mornings 8:45 - 11:45am
Afternoons 12:30 - 3:30pm

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