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Consultation on admissions

The Governing Body of St John’s CofE Primary School is consulting on its admissions arrangements for the academic year 2023-2024. The consultation will run until Friday 14th January 2022 and will include parents, local schools and the local authority as well as the Southwark Diocese Board of Education.

The consultation is on:

● The explanatory wording around the allocation of the final three places (of 30) to be offered during the

initial admissions round for the Reception class.

● The definition of a ‘worshipping member’ of a church (for admissions purposes) as stated by St. John’s CofE Primary School Governing Body.

● The additional requirement for the premises of ‘another Christian Church’ to also be situated in the area designated by governors, as well as the applicant’s home address (criterion 5).

If you wish to comment, please submit your response by email or post before the deadline of midday on 14th January 2022. Email to or post to the Clerk to the Governors, St John’s CofE Primary and Nursery School, Portland Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2SG.

Consultation Documents:



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