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Crown Court Service

On Monday 25th September, the School Council representatives from Years 3 - 6 attended a

special service at All Saints Parish Church in Kingston. This service is held every year and it is

to pray for those involved in the administration of our Justice System within the UK and, in

particular, our local Crown Court Judges and Magistrates. The Mayor & Deputy Mayor

attended in Full Civic State (Robe, Chain and Mace) and Judges from Kingston Crown Court

also were in attendance in Judicial attire.

Willow and Teddy (Year 6) said:

‘We really enjoyed going. We got to ask questions and the

Crown Court Judge answered these. We wanted to know how do you become a judge, how

does the jury work and are there different types of courts? The ceremony was very

interesting and it was lovely to hear the Tiffin Boys’ Choir sing.’



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