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Hubble Catch Up...

Our first term and a half has been very busy in Hubble class. We have been working on many different areas of the curriculum and are always exploring and developing our knowledge and ideas.

Here is a snapshot of some of the things the children have been up to in Hubble class. 

We have enjoyed joining in with some of the celebrations during the year so far. We shared pictures of our favourite foods in the Harvest service and re-told the Christmas story in class.

We learnt about how to look after God’s world and did a litter pick around the school.

In Maths we have been finding ways of making numbers, measuring objects, weighing objects, sorting objects into different sets, estimating, making patterns and finding 1 more than a number.

In Art we decorated pumpkins in the style of Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, used pins to make a pattern in an orange, painted patterns and decorated a tile for our family.

In literacy we have been learning set 1 and 2 of RWI phonics scheme. We use our phonics knowledge to begin to write words and phrases. We have enjoyed reading ‘Supertato’ stories and have made our own ‘Super veggies’. We have written some speech bubbles for our ‘Super veggies’ that we made. 

We love music in Hubble class and we enjoy using instruments and learning songs. We had a visit from ‘Rock steady’ music club where some of the children tried out playing an instrument in a band!

We love to keep busy in Hubble class and all the children love learning.



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