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Language of the Month

Updated: May 12, 2023

At St John’s, we are very fortunate to have at least 35 different spoken languages spoken. In order to celebrate our rich diverse community, we kicked off a new initiative with our Thursday worship celebrating ‘ Language of the Month’.

During these worships, children will be sharing facts about their country, their culture and language. This a fantastic opportunity to get to know other countries and cultures, value and respect one another, and appreciate our differences.

January - Russian & Ukraine

Margarita and Elina shared their language, Russian, and facts about Ukraine and Russia over the month.

February - Cantonese

Nicole and Rafael, gave a short presentation on Hong Kong, Chinese New Year, and taught us how to say good morning in Cantonese (cho san).

March - Lugandan (Uganda)

Our Language of Month of March has been shared by Trinity, Treasure and Carter. We learnt that Uganda is a land locked country, with a the capital called Kampala. Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Uganda and is shared with Kenya and Tanzania. Lake Victoria is the largest tropical lake in the world and the second largest freshwater lake in the world! They taught us to count to 10, and we looked at The Bold Face of Time painting by the artist is Oglafa Ebitari. You can find their presentation here.





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