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PC Briggs visits St John’s

PC Briggs visited Years 1, 2 and 5 spoke about his role as a Community Officer. The children

were very inquisitive and asked many important questions.

When do you use the police dogs? Jude Y1

At what age can you arrest people? Honeybrook Y2

Why is it so important to be in the police? Nneka Y2

How many different jobs are there in the police? Mattheo Y1

How do you catch the bad guys? Louis Y1

How do you train the dogs? Daisy Y2

PC Briggs discussed with Year 5 issues such as walking home safely, unwanted targeting on

the streets and what they should do if an individual asks for their device. Year 5 found the

talk very helpful and asked very thought-provoking questions!

Year 3 were excited to have PC Briggs in as a volunteer reader! He enjoyed listening to the

children read as well as answering lots of questions!



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