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Reception Blog Spring One

We have had a busy start to the term. Mrs Edwards, as well as one of the children, went to Australia for Christmas. Mrs Edwards brought back a beautiful book which was all about Australian animals. The pictures were all drawn in the Aboriginal style, so we had a go at our own painting in this style. We looked at the Australian flag and coloured in our own. We made a traditional Australian party food, Fairy bread. This was great fun and delicious too.

We have been learning about how people celebrate Chinese New Year. We made our own red envelopes and lanterns.

The children made their own plane out of the wooden blocks outside, so they could fly to Australia and many other countries. They made sure everyone had a ticket and had put their seat belt on.

The cold weather also allowed us to explore ice, great fun.

In Maths the children loved using pennies to count with and different amounts in a picture of a purse. There was some really excellent counting going on. We can show what full, half full and empty looks like with water and cups. Great work everyone.



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