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St John’s News 13

Updated: Mar 31, 2021

May your unfailing love be with us, LORD, even as we put our hope in you. Psalm 33:22


A message from the Head

As we approach the end of the spring term, we are grateful that our children have been able to return to school to continue their education in the right setting.

Still thinking of our Christian value ‘Hope’, we have thought about how we think of others and how our actions give hope. Our St John’s Foodbank continues to operate with support from our school community, Portland Road residents, and the wider public from neighbouring roads. Please do continue to use this for yourselves or anyone you may know, or privately contact Mr Hemmings (our Site Manager) or myself if you wish for more specific support.

St John’s School is 150 years old this year! Throughout 2021, we will be celebrating this anniversary in school, including the launch of our brand new website after the Easter holidays - this will be the last newsletter in this format! Going forward all newsletters will be on the website. We are currently planning an exciting week of activities in the summer term, including; a tea party with ex pupils & staff, birthday cake bake off, flash mob dance, Pebble path, Walk-a-thon (children walk 150 laps of the playground/their garden), design a flag to make bunting, 150 acts of kindness, make a school t shirt with a winning 150th design for parents to buy, STEM challenge-build a structure using 150 paper cups, church service, burying of time capsule and commemoration art work.

All our plans will be shared with you in due course, here's some confirmed activities already planned:

Mon 5th July: Sports Day and picnic

Tues 6th July: Victorian Day and Farm

Weds 7th July: Church service

Thurs 8th July: Time Capsule

Fri 9th July: Carnival and magic shows


We took part in the National Day of Reflection on 23rd March, with the whole school observing a one-minutes silence at 11am, as it marks one year since the first day of the first lockdown.


Outdoor Clubs

We aim to resume a few outdoor clubs run by Brendan Murphy-McVey. Indoor clubs will have to wait until we receive more guidance, and these may run after May half term.


School lunches

School lunches will remain as packed lunches until May half term, at which point we will re- assess the situation. If you would like a school lunch for your child, please do ensure you book your child’s lunch for the first half of the Summer Term.



Home Testing Kits - Members of the Community Testing Team will be coming to our school next week to distribute tests in a COVID secure manner. More information to follow


Parents can get home test kits* and the results need to be reported to NHS Test and Trace. Please inform the school immediately if positive. It is important that households, childcare and support bubbles of pupils should test - to order a home test kit online rapid-lateral-flow-tests


Last Day of Term

Don’t forget! School finishes 1 hour earlier on the last day of term (Wednesday 31st March). Please collect from the usual places at the following times:

  • Reception: 2.10pm

  • Year 1: 2pm

  • Year 2: 2pm

  • Year 3: 2.10pm

  • Year 4: 2.05pm

  • Year 5: 2.05pm

  • Year 6: 2pm


House Points

25 Points – Bronze Minal K - Year 2 50 Points – Silver Michael C - Year 5 Riley RP - Year 3


Mufti Day - Rainbow of Hope

Mufti Day on Friday 12th March. A fantastic £192.41 was raised for St John’s PSA. Thank you!


Red Nose Day - A record amount

An amazing £407.11(a St John’s record!) was raised on the day. Thanks to all our superheroes!


Dates for your Diary

  • Tues 30th March: Nursery last day of term

  • Weds 31st March: School last day of term at 2pm

  • Tuesday 27th April: Class photos

  • Monday 3rd May: Bank Holiday

  • w/c 10th May: Year 5 Bikeability

  • Thurs 20th-Fri 21st May Year 4 Juniper Hall trips (TBC)

  • Monday 14th June: Inset Day

  • w/c 21 June Year 6 Bikeability

  • 5th-9th July: 150th Anniversary celebrations

  • Thursday 22nd July: Last day of term 2pm


Keeping all of us safe

The National Domestic AbuseHelpline Contin- ues to operate 24 hours a day including bank holidays & weekends 0808 2000 247

Crimestoppers have launched a campaign encouraging the public to report concerns about family, friends and colleagues who may be experiencing Domestic Abuse while self-isolating.

Please find here an excellent Safeguarding Handbook for primary schools by the Kingston and Richmond Safeguarding Team.


Holy Week 2021

28th March 2021 Palm Sunday

10:00: We will be opening the Church for socially distanced public worship on Palm Sunday. This year we will be holding a service of Blessing of the Palms and Holy Communion in Church. 11:00 – 13:00: Private prayer and collection of Blessed Palms.

If you were unable to come to the morning service, you may want to come to Church to pray and collect a palm cross between 11:00 – 13:00.

19:00: Evening prayer – We will be broadcasting our usual Facebook Service of Evening prayer on Palm Sunday evening.

31st March 2021 Wednesday of Holy Week

13:00: Holy Communion – we will be opening the Church for a socially distanced service of Holy Communion.

18:00 – 19:30: The Church will be open for private prayer.

1st April 2021 Maundy Thursday

20:00: A simple service of Holy Communion followed by the Maundy Thursday vigil, when people can prepare for Good Friday and Easter through private prayer and reflection.

2nd April 2021 Good Friday

12:00 – 15:00: Reflections on the 7 words from the cross - A service of reflections and prayer focusing on Jesus’s words from the cross. This is a service where people can come and go as they please, a chance to spend reflecting on all that Jesus endured on Good Friday and prepare for the joy of Easter Sunday.

3rd April 2021 Easter Eve

18:00 – 19:00: Church will be open for private prayer and reflection.

4th April 2021 Easter Day

10:00: Socially distanced Parish Communion. Come and celebrate the joy of Easter.



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