“Love your neighbour as yourself" Mark 21:31
A Message From The Head
Welcome back to the 2022-2023 academic school year. We hope you and your children have had a delightful summer soaking up our unusual warm weather!
On behalf of our school team, we would like to say a big thank you for all your kind gifts at the end of the summer term!
We look forward to seeing all our children returning to school on Monday 5th September at 8:45am. Our entry and leaving system remains the same, so KS1 will come into school through the main school entrance (Gate 2), KS2 will come in through the Blue Bridge House (Gate 3), and Reception and Nursery will come in through the gate to Nursery (Gate 1).
At the start of every school year, Reception and Nursery have a staggered return to school. The teachers would have already informed parents of their child’s starting date.
Our school church, St John’s the Evangelist, is holding a ‘School Bags Blessing Service’ on Sunday 4th September 2022, at 10:30am to launch the new school year. Everyone is welcome. There will be fun activities and games after the service.
As we are starting a new school year we have planned a special week themed ‘Caring for Me’. This will involve a variety of PSHE topics starting from Monday 5th September. We want our children to begin the year by ensuring everyone understands the importance of being healthy in mind and body, recognises acceptable and unacceptable behaviours, knows how to stay safe, and knows what to do if worried or feels unsafe.
Keeping our children safe: School Street Camera
You may be aware that the cameras have now been installed on Portland Road and will begin enforcement on 12 September 2022. There will be a 2 week notice period, where people who contravene will receive a warning rather than a fine.
Full Enforcement will begin on 26 September 2022. The restricted times are between
8:30-9:30am & 2:45 – 3:45pm Monday to Friday.
Thank you from our chickens!
A very big thank you to all of those that helped feed our chickens over the holiday. They were very well cared for and we hope those involved had a lot of fun and enjoyed the eggs! We will be running the same opportunity in all school holiday's. To find out first when booking opens sign up to the mailing list on www.forestschooling.co.uk
Healthy Snack/lunch
In Key Stage 1 a time is allocated daily to sharing the government funded fruit or vegetable, and children up to the age of 5 are offered subsidised milk as a mid-morning drink.
Those parents/carers who are eligible for free school meals receive the milk for free. Those pupils that do not wish to have milk have a drink of water instead.
We aim to encourage KS 2 children to bring fresh fruit or vegetables (or a healthy snack such as plain crackers, crispbreads, breadsticks or rice cakes) which they can eat at playtime - no other snack will be allowed during break. Commercially packaged processed fruit is not healthy!
We expect all children to comply with St John’s Uniform Policy. This can be found on the school website.
Children should only wear the school’s agreed uniform including plain black shoes. Uniform for PE is black/dark blue shorts and a white top and plimsolls or white or black trainers.
Children should come into school in the correct PE kit on their assigned PE days.
OWL and Forest School
Every child at St John’s takes part in OWL sessions, or/and Forest School. On these days we expect children to come into school dressed in their school uniform, with OWL/Forest School clothes to change into – plain black/dark blue long jogging bottoms/leggings and a plain black or dark blue top. They may need wellington boots and a rain coat depending on the day’s forecast.
Dates for your Diary
All dates appear on our school calendar on the school website. This includes school holiday dates, inset days, clubs, swimming and parent's evenings. You can find the calendar here: www.stjohns.kingston.sch.uk/term-dates
Meet the teacher
Tuesday 20th September (KS1 9 - 9:20, KS2 2:45 – 3:05)
Start the week of 12th September
Individual School Photos
13th October