Encourage one another and build each other up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
A message from the Head
We have been exploring the Christian value ‘Friendship’, and this week in Collective Worship we have been thinking about how we encourage and build each other up. Our children displayed a good understanding, by sharing how they encourage their friends and family.
All children are being encouraged to make use of our online learning platforms, Reading Eggs and Mathletics. Reading Eggs is for all of our children and it covers the five essential components of reading success: phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. It has been carefully designed to engage children, build skills fast, and nurture a love of reading from an early age. This is the best way to set them up for lifelong success in reading and learning, turning them into avid readers! The program includes multiple learning areas that focus on different skills, as well as a variety of activities and books that keep children engaged from the very beginning. Mathletics is a safe, encouraging learning environment that provides the right level of challenge to help our children grow, gain confidence, and achieve results. The program is aligned to our curriculum, and the activities are relevant, reinforce lessons learned in school, and help children gain mastery over math topics or push ahead of what’s being taught.
Farewell to Reverend Mark Stafford
Reverend Mark Stafford will be leaving St John’s Parish at the end of the month. He has been a great support to our school family and we wish him all the best for the future in his new parish. As we wanted to give him a leaving present, he has asked us not to get him gifts, but instead, if we could make donations to the charity Toilet Twinning. This charity helps to raise funds in support of Tearfund’s water and sanitation program in around 25 countries across the world. Please find the link here: https://www.toilettwinning.org/donate/

OWL & Forest School news
This term in OWL the children have been making little worry boxes. They have been thoroughly enjoying combing the forest to find little treasures that they can put in their boxes to help sooth them when they might be feeling a little bit unsettled- or as the children say in the yellow zone! We have been discussing the importance of talking to others in times of need and looking after our mental health. Year 2 have had great fun learning about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and using their OWL time to design their own Goldsworthy inspired pieces of art. Forest school sessions have seen a lot of fire lighting action recently, helping the children focus on perseverance and providing a great way to stay warm in the cold. Don’t forget to please send your children in with gloves and hats to stay warm as it has been very cold lately.

Metropolitan Police visit our Year 5 and 6 Pupils
This week, Year 5 and 6 had visitors from the Metropolitan Police. The classes had a chat about online and internet safety, walking home from school and how to keep personal belongings with them at all times. The officers explained the impact of gaming conversations online and gave extra crime preventative advice on awareness, and how to keep safe around the local area and community. The pupils have been given a task to remember personal details such as parent's mobile numbers, their home addresses and even memorising their route to school. The pupils asked the officers thought-provoking questions and thoroughly enjoyed their session.
St John’s Knowledge Organisers
We have created Knowledge Organisers for Year 1 to 6 to aid the retention of key knowledge, vocabulary and skills taught within topics. Knowledge organisers are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that we expect all children to be able to discuss, and expand upon by the end of the topic. Children can use these to review, revise and quiz themselves on each topic. They also provide parents with an insight into what pupils are learning over the half term and can be used to support learning at home. These can be found on our website in the relevant class page.
COVID Guidance
We have seen a huge rise in the numbers of children testing positive for covid-19. At one point this week, over half of one class was hit by the virus. This is a staggering amount of children! I am glad that none of these children were hospitalised due to complications. It is imperative that you continue to test your children so that the virus does not spread through school, and disrupt learning or the health of staff. We gave out LFT kits 2 weeks ago, and have now taken delivery of additional LFT kits. If you are running short before we send out another round of kits, do let the main office know. Where appropriate, teachers have provided Home Learning with some children logging into the class virtually.
Playtime Snacks
To support us in being a healthy school, please could we ask that you provide only healthy snacks for your children to bring in for playtime.

Medical Appointments
Please ensure that your child's medical appointments are made for out of school hours where possible.
Dates for your Diary
18th June: Summer fete