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St John’s News 11: 4th February 2022

Updated: Feb 10, 2022

A friend is always loyal and a brother is born to help in time of need.” Proverbs 17:17


A Message From The Head

Another week has gone by and the longest January in living memory is over (I am sure that we think that every year, but particularly now given the current situation!). That said, we have much to celebrate in school every week!

As part of exploring our Christian value ‘Friendship’ the children have been encouraged across the school to widen their friendship circles. They have been asked to find out interesting information from other children that are not within their immediate friendship circle, such as which games or teams they like, what their favourite TV shows may be, or perhaps their favourite books and food etc. We hope that this enables them to further value each other, and to learn that they have more in common than they know.

We are very fortunate at St John’s to have at least 35 different spoken languages. In January we kicked off a new initiative within our Thursday worship celebrating 'Language of the Month’. During these worships, we will be learning more about different countries, and their culture and language. Margarita and Elina shared their language which is Russian, and some facts about Ukraine and Russia over the month. This month we will be celebrating Cantonese. Nicole and Raphael gave a short presentation on Hong Kong, Chinese New Year, and taught us how to say good morning in Cantonese 'cho shan'.

Hubble YR and Newton Y5 had the opportunity to visit St John’s Church as part of their RE lesson before Mark Stafford, our vicar, moved to his new parish. The children thoroughly enjoyed this and participated fully in the lessons.

Turing Y6 took part in an online debating workshop where they learnt about the work and role of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. They learnt about the difference between UK Parliament and Government, the work of MPs, members of the House of Lords, how laws are made, and how they can get their voices heard.

We are very disappointed that after all of our efforts to book swimming lessons for Y4 and Y5, The New Malden Leisure Centre will be temporarily closed after half term for 3 weeks. We will be keeping the same time slot and the relevant year groups have been informed of the change of dates.

Thank you to the PSA who have been working in the background trying to think of exciting fund raising activities that they can safely run for the school community. Please remember you are all members of this association and therefore do pledge your support in whichever way you can.


Farewell Jack

We will be saying farewell to Jack Dimes next week as he embarks on his travels. Jack has been with us for nearly 2 years working as a one to one Learning Support Assistant, and part of the Forest School Team. He has been a positive role model for our pupils and he will be missed across school. We wish him all the best for the future.


Meeting Olympian Sir Mo Farah

Mrs Esua and Ms Wilson were lucky enough to go on a conference which focused on PE and school sports. The day was in line with St John’s values regarding children and adults living an active lifestyle. They heard from inspirational speakers and spent some time with Sir Mo Farrah, Britain's most successful track athlete in Olympic history. Sir Mo explained that the journey to his success started at school. Who knows, St John’s PE and Sports lessons may be nurturing a new Sir Mo!


Rabbi Zvi's visit to Class 4

In R.E Class 4 have been learning about Judaism. Rabbi Zvi's visited Class 4 to talk about Passover - an important Jewish festival. He told us the story of Passover and talked about the significance of Passover to Jewish people. He also talked to us about the Seder meal and explained to us what each part of the meal meant.


Valentine's Disco

The PSA have organised a Valentine's disco which takes place on Friday 11th February at St John's Church. Please be advised that all children must be accompanied by an adult. Could we also request that all who plan on attending the disco take a lateral flow test beforehand.


Children's Mental Health Week ( 7th-13th February 2022)

As part of Children's Mental Health week, we will be encouraging all KS2 children to wear a scarf to school next Friday 11th February to mark the occasion. SCARF: Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship. This year's theme is Growing Together and we will be encouraging the children to consider how they have grown, and how they can help others grow.


COVID Lateral Flow Testing

We have recently distributed further additional testing kits. Please do continue to routinely test your household to assist in minimising the spread of covid within school. We appreciate all of your support continuing to test as much as possible.



Please remember to let the school office know if your child will be absent or is off sick. If they are ill for more than one day, please let the office know each morning before 8:30am. If you have hospital appointments or will be away, again please let the office know and complete the relevant form.

Thank you.


Donations for school

If you can donate a box of tissues to your child's class at school this would help us save our budget for other things - and it will also help stop the spread of germs!

We could also use spare socks for all age groups. If you are having a sort out, please donate them to school. Thank you.


Donations for Charity Toilet Twinning

Thank you for all of your donations to the charity Toilet Twinning in aid of us saying goodbye, and thank you to Reverend Mark Stafford. Please do continue to support if you can and haven't already.


Dates for your Diary

  • Friday 11th Feb: KS2 Wear a Scarf to School (Children's Mental Health Week)

  • Friday 11th Feb: PTA Valentine's Disco

  • Mon 14th Feb: First day of half term

  • Mon 7th March: Inset Day


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