Two people are better than one ….. If one person falls, the other can reach out to help.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
A Message From The Head
It has been refreshing to see most of our children back in school after a very trying half term. At a point last half term, every class saw high numbers of pupils off school due to Covid-19. This half term we hope that fewer children’s learning will be affected by this.
Our Christian value for this term is ‘Trust’. Trust is essential to human life and lies at the heart of all relationships. Trust entails vulnerability and putting yourself in others’ hands. We have to trust experts including pilots, dentists and surgeons. Trust is the very essence of faith. You may wish to explore this further using the resource on Trust, found on the Christian Distinctiveness page.
At the end of last half term, Year 4 Anning Class held an International Day to celebrate all of the different languages, cultures and countries around the world. In Geography, Year 4 have been focusing on Europe and this was a fantastic way to end their geography work. The children dressed in the traditional clothes of a country, shared food and listened to music from different cultures. It was a lovely day of discovery, finding out new facts and information about other countries.
On 8th February, Year 6 had their annual outing to the Junior Citizens Day hosted at Chessington World of Adventures. Our children got to learn different things about keeping safe in the home, and when out and about. They got to act out and answer questions about different realistic scenarios they may have to face and it encouraged them to think through problems and resolve them.
Opportunity to join the School Governing Body
Before half term nomination forms were sent home for the position of parent governor. Please consider putting yourself forward for this great opportunity to be more involved in school life. You need to return the completed nomination form together with your personal statement to the school office by 12 noon on 4th March. Any queries or to find out more please contact Clerk to the Governors, Libby Lazenby on
Forest School and OWL News

We are very proud to announce that our Forest School provision is now accepting referrals from other Primary Schools in the Kingston upon Thames and Richmond areas.
We are opening up our Alternative Provision (AP) and will deliver Forest School and gardening activities to children who need our outdoor space to help them thrive.
The main users will be primary aged children with SEMH behavioural issues some of which may be at risk of exclusion from mainstream education. They will be referred by local schools. The St John’s OWL and Forest School timetable will not be affected and our young visitors will not access the main school building as they will come and go via the Forest School gate. Our AP children will be accessing the site when St John's children are not using it. We are really looking forward to having them here and are so pleased that we can offer our community this much needed service.
For more information please visit
Swimming Lessons have started for our Y4 and Y5 pupils
The children were very pleased this week as they had the very first of their swimming lessons at The Malden Centre. All Y4 and Y5 children took part in the assessment lesson, and the course of lessons will begin in a few weeks' time (all dates will be sent out to parents in order to ensure children come in to school with their swimwear and a towel).

Two of our Year 4 pupils getting ready for their swim!
World Book Day 2022 - Thursday 3rd March
The school will be celebrating World Book Day this year with some special events taking place throughout the week.
Book Swap Event (This event will take place Wednesday 2nd March)
All children will be able to donate a book in good condition leading up to Monday 1st March, and swap for a book of their choice on Wednesday 2nd March.
Dressing Up
Your child can come dressed as a book character on World Book Day if they would like to!
Story Writing Competition
This involves continuing a story opening created by Mr Redhead. All details have been sent out to parents, including the story - The Robot.
If I was 3 books, which 3 books would I be?
Each child can choose three books that they feel represent them in some way. All details have been sent out by Mr Redhead.

Science Week Competition
As you know British Science Week starts on the 11th March. There is a poster competition running and the deadline will be the 22nd March.
There will be a prize for a winning entry in EYFS, KS1, lower and upper KS2.
The theme of the poster is 'Growth', and all entries must be returned to your class teacher (some classes will be making their poster during science lessons but you are welcome to make one at home too!)
COVID Update
Asymptomatic testing in education settings from 21 February 22 – what, why and when (This has been developed by the Department for Education and currently applies to England only 21st February 2022).
What testing is advised from 21 February 2022 onwards?
Asymptomatic testing does not replace current guidance for those with symptoms. Anyone with symptoms, should book a free NHS test and follow the latest government guidance. We are moving to a different phase in managing the virus, where we learn to live with COVID-19. We now know that the risks of severe illness from COVID-19 in most children and most fully vaccinated adults are very low, and our successful vaccination programme has achieved a high rate of take-up. We are therefore removing this requirement, bringing education into line with wider society. Public health advice is that regular testing in mainstream education and childcare settings is no longer advised.
Who may be asked to test in the event of an outbreak?
Staff, students and pupils in year 7 and above - in all education settings (including nurseries, primary schools, and secondary schools) may be advised by their DPH or local health advisor to resume or undertake additional testing for a short period of time, if the setting is experiencing an
outbreak of COVID-19. Outbreaks will most likely be contained within a class, a year group.
Lifting of restrictions: regular testing
Although the recommendation for staff and young people to carry out regular testing has now been removed for most schools. Where there are concerns about an outbreak, regular testing can be reintroduced on the advice of our Public Health Teams.
If a pupil, student or staff member has COVID-19 symptoms, should they get a PCR test?
Yes. Anyone with symptoms should take a PCR test, stay at home and follow government guidance if positive. People who have tested positive will continue to be advised to stay at home for five full days and then receive two negative test results on consecutive
days before returning to their workplace or setting.
Vaccination programme for 5-11 year olds
Plans are that this will be made available from the beginning of April which conveniently coincides with the Easter holiday. It is intended that parents will be able to book this for their child at one of the local pharmacies or vaccination centres.
Anyone with one or more symptoms of coronavirus - a high temperature, a new continuous cough; or a loss or change in sense of smell or taste should self-isolate and book a test or call 119 in England and Wales
Dates for your Diary
Mon 7th March: Inset Day
Mon 21st March: Parents' Evening (3:30pm - 6pm)
Thurs 24th March: Parents' Evening (3:30 – 6pm)