'Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves'
Philippians 2:3
A message from the Head
Our Christian value for this half term is Humility. Humility has a central place in Christ’s teaching. It is contrasted with pride, where people ascribe to themselves the honour and glory which is God’s alone. Here is a short video The Prideful Ant: A Story about Pride and Humility
I am glad to know that a few parents are catching up on their parent’s meeting with the class teachers. All Pupil Progress Meetings have taken place. This is where individual class teachers, Mrs Singh and I meet to discuss the progress of every single child in the school, and look at how we can further support each child to continue to make maximum progress and fulfil their potential, in line with our school vision. It’s wonderful to see the progress the children are making and thank you to everyone for playing their part in this!
Class Newsletters have been emailed to parents/carers and are available to read on the school website Class Newsletters. Please read these carefully as they contain lots of important curriculum information for the term ahead.
With the support of Kingston School Nursing Team, we have delivered the lessons on Relationships and Puberty to Newton Y5 and Turing Y6. This part of the curriculum is statutory for all primary children. I believe these topics are crucial to their development and attitudes towards relationships later on in life.
Insight, the Christian charity visited Nursery to help bring the story of Creation alive. This was thoroughly enjoyed by the children.
Our School Council, Right Respecting Ambassadors, and Faith Group have been meeting with Mrs Singh to discuss and plan our new Playground Charter which will be linked with our United Nations Rights. These will be shared once they have gathered feedback from their peers, and have completed the Charter.

We are looking forward to celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III with lots of
exciting activities to mark this momentus event.
Our PSA, as always, have been working tirelessly to raise funds for school. They had a cake and uniform sale at the end of last term as we were going off on our Easter break, and they have a Wine and Cheese gathering on Friday 28th April at 7:30pm at the Church. This is a good opportunity for you to meet and mingle with other parents even if you are a non-drinker.
Please see our Healthy Eating Leaflet. As the weather is becoming more pleasant, many children switch from school lunches to a packed lunch. It is important you give your child a healthy meal. We will not permit children to have unhealthy meals; instead we will give them a school dinner if their lunch is deemed unhealthy i.e. filled with crisp/chocolates/sweets.
St John's Church
The Church is hosting a street pary for the Coronation on Saturday 6th May 2023. Some of our children will be performing at this event (12:30pm) and it would be lovely to see you there to encourage them on.

Summer Half Term Forest Club

Open to ALL primary aged children. (Year 1-6) MAY 30th & 31st. Book one or both days. Come enjoy the magic in the outdoors, make new friends, create amazing memories with our Summer Half Term Club, with plenty of seasonal activities for all primary school aged children, from arts and crafts to real-size tool use and fire-making.
Job Opportunities
We are looking for additional support in our Blue Bridge Buddies Breakfast Club from 7:30am to 8:45am Monday- Friday term time only. If you are looking for early morning work, please contact the school office.
Forgotten items reminder
If your child has forgotten any items they need for school on a day, eg: lunch, water bottle, PE kit, wellies for forest school, etc... please leave them clearly labelled with your child's name and class in the plastic box outside the office and a member of staff will pass them over to your child before lunchtime.
Keeping children safe (Safeguarding)
Please find here an excellent Safeguarding Hand-book for primary schools by the Kingston and Richmond Safeguarding Team. Safeguarding—In Safe hands
The National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Continues to operate 24 hours a day including bank holidays & weekends. 0808 2000 247
Please remember if you have any concerns or questions regarding Safeguarding out of school hours follow the link.
PSA dates for your diary & Newsletter
You can keep up to date with all PSA events and read their latest newsletter on their page on the school website here.
Please visit the Easy Fund Raising App to easily raise money for the School. Simply visit www.easyfundraising.org.uk, and select St John's School as your chosen charity.

Dates for your Diary
All dates appear on our school calendar on the school website. This includes school holiday dates, inset days, clubs, swimming and parent's evenings. You can find the calendar here: