For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
A message from the Head
Welcome back to the summer term. It is evident the children had an enjoyable Easter break judging from their healthy glow!
This half-term we will be exploring the Christian value ‘Wisdom’. Wisdom acts for the good of others, and not for purely personal gain. Wisdom involves considering others. It is about being prepared to listen to the advice of others, thinking before you speak and choosing silence over words. Wisdom isn’t about what you know (this is knowledge/information) but about what you do, with what you know - the application of your knowledge. If you would like to join us in exploring this value with your child at home, you can find the resource Home-School Value on our Christian Distinctiveness page on our website.
As you are aware St John’s will be celebrating its 150th year anniversary over this summer term. We delayed our plans due to the uncertainty of the situation regarding COVID-19. We are now at a point where we can share our plans. We will be celebrating over the week of 5th - 9th July 2021.
Tweet, tweet, tweet...
We have a new Twitter account. Keep up to date and share our stories and news by following @STJKingston
As part of our commitment to providing important mindfulness activities, children in years 4-6 will now attend OWL sessions every other week. This will be achieved by splitting the class into two and taking turns on a weekly basis. Those remaining in class will be able to benefit from additional quality first teaching input, whilst those in OWL will be able to spend time outdoors in our allotment and forest area.
Can you help?
OWL and Forest School are unique to St John’s. All children take part and we are entirely self funded. We have started a monthly donation scheme. If you feel able to donate a small monthly amount please use this fundraising link and be sure to click monthly. You can pay by card or PayPal. Funds raised will help us continue to purchase gardening equipment, compost, bird seed, sustainable firewood and other items that keep the children busy. Thanks in advance!
It's our birthday!
All our plans will be shared with you in due course, here are some confirmed activities already planned:

Mon 5th July: Sports Day and picnic
Tues 6th July: Victorian Day and Farm
Weds 7th July: Church service and lunch
Thurs 8th July: Time Capsule
Fri 9th July: Carnival and magic shows
Class photos
The photographer will be here next week on Tuesday 27th April to take the class photos. Please ensure your child is sent into school wearing their full school uniform.
The Great Fire of London
Y2 recreated the Great Fire of London in our forest area this week, you can read all about it here

New KS2 play equipment
The new key stage 2 climbing frame will finally be installed over the May half term. Due to the situation across the country this has not been feasible before. We consulted with some of the KS2 pupils on what their preferred option would be for a playground apparatus, and they helped with the final decision. We hope the children enjoy it!

Outdoor Clubs
The below clubs are all 3.15 to 4.15pm.
Monday 26th April Y1/Y2 Football BMM Sports coaching to Mon 5th July inclusive
Tuesday 27th April Y3/Y4 as above to 6th July inclusive
Wednesday 28th April Y5/Y6 as above to Wed 7th July
Tuesday 27th April Y3/Y4 Dance England Sports Group to 6th July inclusive
Thursday 29th April Y5/Y6 Netball as above to 8th July inclusive
If you have any queries please contact the external provider.
School Lunches
There has been some feedback about the school lunches. In the past, we have had some issues with the service, but at present the quality is of this provision is good. The senior leadership team, and most of the YR to Y2 staff are in the lunch hall together, helping to settle children in. We have had many conversations over the weeks with children telling us what they enjoy eating, or if they are upset about what has been chosen for them to eat.
All children are encouraged to eat their meal, even if we have to be creative by scraping the cheese off the pitta bread, removing the offending salad or fruit etc. Funnily enough, the desert is always a keeper! Many staff have eaten these meals for lunch too. However we find that children naturally prefer their home cooked meals, even though a healthy balanced meal is offered.
In the autumn term staff were also on hand in the hall to support children with the meals. In order to keep our children and community safe, we decided to have the packed meal option for this half of the term, and review this before half term. Once again, I must say we have not closed any class bubbles due to St John’s stringent control measures in place.
Parents can get home test kits and the results need to be reported to NHS Test and Trace. Please inform the school immediately if the test is positive. It is important that households, childcare and support bubbles of pupils should test. To order a home test kit online rapid-lateral-flow-tests
Birthday Books
As part of our healthy eating status, we discourage the sending in of sweets and cakes to celebrate birthdays. If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday you can purchase a book for the school library. We will add a citation inside the front cover.
Dates for your Diary
Tuesday 27th April: Class photos
Monday 3rd May: Bank Holiday
w/c 10th May: Year 5 and 6 Bikeability
Thurs 20th - Fri 21st May Year 4 Juniper Hall trips
Half term: Monday 31st May - Friday 4th June
Monday 14th June: Inset Day
w/c 21 June Year 5 and 6 Bikeability
5th-9th July: 150th Anniversary celebrations
Wednesday 21st July: Nursery last day of term
Thursday 22nd July: School last day of term at 2pm
Keeping all of us safe
The National Domestic Abuse Helpline Continues to operate 24 hours a day including bank holidays & weekends 0808 2000 247
Crimestoppers have launched a campaign encouraging the public to report concerns about family, friends and colleagues who may be experiencing Domestic Abuse while self-isolating.
Please find here an excellent Safeguarding Handbook for primary schools by the Kingston and Richmond Safeguarding Team. Safeguarding—In Safe hands