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St John’s News 16: Friday 26th May 2023

“But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control”.

Galatians 5:22

A message from the Head

This half term has flown by with several trips enjoyed by the children throughout the school. The weather is finally changing to be sunnier and warmer and we wish you all a relaxing half term break as we approach the final half term of this school year.

School has been very busy with a lot of exciting learning and events over the past 2 weeks; more information about what the children learnt and some pictures are below...

  • YR - Bocketts farm visit

  • YR - Visit to Community Gardens - "The Big help Out"

  • Y1 - Meets Elmo the corn snake

  • Y1 - Curriculum assembly

  • Y2 - Children visited Kingston University for a STEM event

  • Y3 - Relay races at Ditton Fields

  • Y4 and Y5 - Dancers to Bradbury House

  • Y5 - Hampton Court Palace trip

  • Y6 - PGL residential trip

Once again, we would like to thank all the parents and carers for supporting these trips and events.

Hubble class (YR) visit Bocketts Farm

Hubble class visited Bocketts farm last week. The weather was kind to us and we made the most of it. We were able to feed sheep and lambs who always seemed very hungry.

"It tickled when they ate the food from our hands."

"We saw 3 day old piglets sleeping with their Mummy, they were so cute."

"The cows were really big and had sloppy wet noses which felt really wet."

"The tractor ride was brilliant but rather bumpy and made us giggle."

After we saw the big animals we were able to pet Belle the rabbit, Milkyway the chicken and two jumpy guinea pigs.

The animals were really interesting and fun to see and after lunch we had a jump on the giant pillows, shot down the slides and climbed on the climbing frames. We thoroughly enjoyed our day out at Bocketts farm.

Hubble class (YR) help at "The Big Help Out"

As part of King Charles III's help out initiative, Hubble class went to Hogsmill community garden to plant some sunflower seeds. They are looking forward to seeing them grow over the next few months.

More information on "The Big Help Out" can be found by clicking the button below.

Y1 meets Elmo the corn snake

Year 1 loved meeting Elmo the Corn snake! We found out lots of facts about Elmo.

‘Elmo is not venomous but she can squeeze things.’

Jonah: ‘Elmo can swim. She can eat rats and mice.’

Sophie: 'We were even allowed to touch her!'

Thank you to Mrs Moore and Surbiton High school for providing us with such an amazing experience.

Y1 Curriculum Assembly

Y1 presented their curriculum assembly to their peers, teachers and parents. They all worked really hard preparing and practising and did so well - we are all very proud of them. Well done Year 1!

Y2 visit Kingston University

Byron Class joined Joe at Kingston University's outreach STEM department today!

The theme was Rocket Racers. The session involved drawing and planning a racer and then creating a racer that we tested to see who got the furthest.

Congratulations to all the children for fantastic STEM learning and living out the school motto.

Y3 relays at Ditton Hill

Eight children from year 3 took part in a relay race. Each child had to run 670m - what an achievement! We were so proud of their determination, perseverance and team work and they should all be very proud of themselves too.

The sun was shining and all around, we had a wonderful morning 😀

Year 5 go to Hampton Court Palace

Year 5 went on a trip to Hampton Court. They took a boat ride to the royal palace - this was enjoyed by all! At the Palace, the pupils had a session with Henry VIII's courtiers (unfortunately the king was busy attending to other matters) where they investigated the wealth of Henry and looked at artefacts and inventories. Year 5, toured the palace and spotted some interesting pictures of Henry in his earlier days and had a chance to debate in the Privy chamber. The class had a fantastic day!

Y6 PGL Trip to Liddington Activity Centre

Y6 pupils have spent the week in Wiltshire for a week of fun filled land and water activities. Click on the button below to find out what the children have been up to.


Unicef Global Goals Assembly

Throughout the year our Rights Ambassadors have been helping us understand the Global Goals agreed by the United Nations to end extreme poverty and improve our world by 2030.

Our Rights Ambassadors led an assembly on Monday to remind us about some of these goals. We were asked to think about what we can do to make the world a safer, fairer and more sustainable place in which all our rights are protected and respected. We were reminded about the importance, however small this may be, to do our part.

They talked about the following goals:

  • ending extreme poverty

  • fighting inequality and injustice

  • providing clean water for all

  • protecting our oceans and ecosystems

Our Rights Ambassadors, School Council and Eco Warriors continue to be active citizens, working hard to bring about positive change. This year they have been keen to support a wide range of charities in order to seek to improve equality for all. They are courageous advocates for the environment by enthusiastically checking that the classrooms are energy saving by turning off lighting when they are not needed, litter picking in the school grounds and along the Hogsmill river, weeding and planting to improve our school grounds. They have also led Collective Worship to help us all understand and support the Global Goals.


Mental Awareness Week

As part of our recent Mental Awareness Week, Victor from Chelsea Foundation led a special assembly. He shared 5 ways to Wellbeing.

Take notice

The Environment can improve our behaviour and mood. Getting closer to nature and our natural surroundings supports us to be more mindful. When things are building up, try going for a walk, sitting amongst the grass, ride a bike or go on an adventure.


Meeting friends and family gives us a sense of belonging and improves our wellbeing.

Get Active

Being active by walking, jogging or skipping keeps the body strong and healthy.


Simple acts of kindness can improve our mood, self‑esteem and happiness. Good deeds do not have to cost any money or take up too much time


Our mental fitness is just as important as our physical fitness. Carrying out mental exercises such as meditation, relaxation or mindful colouring can sharpen our minds, focus and memory.


Country Dancing at Bradbury House

On Monday, a group of children from Years 4 and 5 entertained the residents of Bradbury House, our local care home. The residents enjoyed watching the country dancing and have invited the children back next half term. Well done to all who participated.


Article of the Week

This week’s Article of the Week is Article 15. Every child has the right to choose their own friends and join or set up groups.

As a Rights Respecting School, we regularly discuss different articles from the UNCRC with the children. This week some of the children looked at why it is important for children to have the opportunity to meet, spend time together and share ideas.


Active Citizens at work

Year 3 and gardening club have been busy improving our environment. They are making the most of the lovely weather and have been weeding and litter picking. What a difference they have made to the front of the school and to our playground!

Before After


Re-book After School Club

Don't forget to re-book Forest School Clubs for after half term. Those already on the club will need to book back on if they wish to continue. Those who want to join are welcome to book too!


Thank yous

Thank you to Year 5 who stepped up into their Year 6 roles and served the school diligently in various roles ​throughout this week!

A huge thank you to Mr Berisha who very kindly helped dispose of some rubbish for the school - it was greatly appreciated.


Forgotten items reminder

If your child has forgotten any items they need for school on a day, eg: lunch, water bottle, PE kit, wellies for forest school, etc... please leave them clearly labelled with your child's name and class in the plastic box outside the office and a member of staff will pass them over to your child before lunchtime.


Keeping children safe (Safeguarding)

Please find here an excellent Safeguarding Hand-book for primary schools by the Kingston and Richmond Safeguarding Team. Safeguarding—In Safe hands

The National Domestic Abuse Helpline

Continues to operate 24 hours a day including bank holidays & weekends. 0808 2000 247

Please remember if you have any concerns or questions regarding Safeguarding out of school hours follow the link.


PSA dates for your diary & Newsletter

You can keep up to date with all PSA events and read their latest newsletter on their page on the school website here.

Please visit the Easy Fund Raising App to easily raise money for the School. Simply visit, and select St John's School as your chosen charity.




Dates for your Diary

All dates appear on our school calendar on the school website. This includes school holiday dates, inset days, clubs, swimming and parent's evenings. You can find the calendar here:



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