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St John’s News 17: Friday 24th June 2022

Philippians 2:3 - Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves


A Message From The Head

What a busy couple of weeks we have all had in school, there is so much going on!

Our final Christian Value for this school year is Humility. Humility has a central place in Christ’s teaching. Jesus taught his followers that if they wished to enter the Kingdom of Heaven they must be like children. Jesus is challenging people to become like those who have no legal or social standing, to become like servants.

Children from Year 5 and Year 6 have now completed their Bikeability training. This means that over the summer holiday they will be able to practise their newly gained skills to develop their confidence. Please always ensure they use a helmet whilst they are on a bike or scooter.

This week is the last lesson of a 10-week swimming course for Year 4 at the New Malden Leisure Centre. Thank you to the parents who supported the class by escorting them to and from the leisure centre.

Key Stage 2 took part in an E-Safety presentation delivered by Peter Cowley, the Lead Adviser for Online Services and Safety for Kingston schools.

Miss Wilson took children from lower Key Stage 2 to a Chelsea FC Foundation Education event at their Cobham training ground. The children were able to take part in STEM-related activities. They had a great time, and they were complimented on how well they behaved. Well done to all of them, and a big thank you to Miss Wilson.

We had a fantastic Language Day on Monday. We celebrated many languages spoken at St John’s by encouraging children and staff to dress in national outfits or colours. Pupils from Kingston Grammar School took a lead by teaching classes a range of languages. It warmed my heart to see so many parents volunteer in school to support our special day.

Please see the teachers and classes for the next school year 2022 -2023

Turing Class 6 Mr Redhead

Newton Class 5 Miss Papafio

Anning Class 4 Miss Campbell

Darwin Class 3 Miss Wilson

Byron Class 2 Ms Brierley

Edison Class 1 Mrs Keaney

Hubble Class R Mrs Constable with Mrs Edwards

Potter Class N Mrs Hutchinson & Mrs Barter with Mrs Mutch

We will have a series of transition sessions during the school day over the next few weeks and one transition morning. Our school Celebration of Work Day is on 13th July from 3:20pm to 4:20pm. You will have the opportunity to wander through the classes enjoying the displays of our children’s learning, and an opportunity to say hello to your child’s new class teacher.

I give a huge 'thank you' to the PSA for organising such a wonderful Summer Fete last Saturday! Mrs McCrossan’s team of dedicated parents did a brilliant job of ensuring the event was a success. I believe all who attended, thoroughly enjoyed this year’s fete. We look forward to many more community events like this!


The Fete was back and made over a whopping £3,000!

It was fantastic to see the PSA fete make a welcome return to the playground and field last Saturday. A massive thank you to all the volunteers, helpers, children and hard-working parents who made this possible. A massive £3000 was raised which will help fund activities and equipment that the school needs.


Country Dance Festival

The Country Dance festival, which is led by St John's, went ahead on Thursday at the Kingsmeadow facility in Norbiton and was a hugely enjoyed event by many! Our Year 2 and Year 3 pupils were joined by 17 other schools from the Kingston Upon Thames school community for the event. The programme for the day also included maypole dancing. Despite the rain, our children danced beautifully!


Forest School News - Chicken Feeding

We are fast approaching the end of term and we will be looking for volunteer chicken feeders for the holiday period. Those that are on our Forest School mailing list get 24hrs notice of bookings being open, last time it booked out in 15 minutes, so sign up at the bottom of any of our website pages to find out first when booking opens (think Glastonbury for Chickens) Don't forget, you will receive our exclusive badge for your efforts, along with quality time with our chickens!


Year 5 Performances

Just a reminder, that Class 5 will be performing at the Fuze Festival in July. Please copy/click on this link to buy tickets:​ .

The performances are on:

Friday, 1st July - Rose Theatre -7:30pm

Saturday, 2nd July - Arthur Cottrell Theatre - 2pm and 7pm.

It would be lovely to see of all of our family and friends from St. John's Primary School! If you would like a FUZE brochure, please collect one at the School Office.


Dates for your Diary

  • Wednesday 29th June (6pm): New Parents Evening

  • Friday 1st July (9:30am -1pm): School Sports Day

  • Friday 1st July (7:30pm): Y5 Rose theatre performance

  • Saturday 2nd July (2pm and 7pm): Y5 Arthur Cottrell Theatre performance

  • Monday 4th July - Friday 8th July: Science Week

  • Friday 8th July: Rose Theatre Trip (R-Y6)

  • Friday 8th July: PSA school BBQ

  • Wednesday 13th July (3:20pm - 4:20pm): Celebration of Work Day

  • Tuesday 19th July (2 pm): Year 6 Leavers Service BBQ

  • Tuesday 19th July: Year 6 BBQ

  • Friday 22nd July ( 2pm finish) Last Day of Term


Links to more information




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