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St John’s News 18: Friday 15th July 2022

James 4:10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up​


A Message From The Head

What an amazing and successful school year we have all had following the pandemic! I must congratulate and celebrate all of our children for their resilience over this period of time as we resumed our new normal.

A huge thank you goes to the PSA for all of the fundraising events that they have put on this year. They organised a brilliant Summer Fete, and 2 weeks after a hugely successful Summer BBQ. A fantastic £1364 was raised at the Summer BBQ! They have really worked tirelessly to create social events where you can get to know each other better, and raise funds for the school at the same time. We are all grateful for their support, and in Autumn, we would love to see more of you being active and sharing your talents and ideas. Well done PSA!

As a school community, we have experienced many successes this year. An example of some of our successes are:

  • Year 5 participated in The Cinderella Project. They experienced the entire cycle of putting on a professional play in the theatre.

  • Year 5 opened the Kingston International Fuse Festival with music and dance from their play.

  • The School Council were invited to visit the Mayor in her Parlour. The council had an opportunity to ask questions and observe artefacts telling the history of Kingston. We then invited the Mayor to visit us here at St John’s.

  • In June we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a week of great events which included the children painting art portraits of the queen in different art styles, researching about the British Monarchy, exploring the Queen’s timeline and a royal picnic and parade. The then Mayor of Kingston Sushila Abraham, began our celebrations by planting a Jubilee tree at the front of the school. This was a truly great week to celebrate our British values and democracy.

  • We were supported by Parents, staff, and pupils from Kingston Grammar School during our Language Day. Our children enjoyed lessons in French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Liberian, Polish, Urdu, Yoruba, and German teaching language through games and songs. We celebrated the day by dressing in either a national dress or in the colours of their chosen flag.

  • This year we introduced Language of the Month which celebrates our diverse school community. This presentation is shared during collective worship and is planned and led by the children with great pride.

  • Our Sports Day was a huge success with parents in attendance on the school playground. We were lucky to also have 12 pupils from Surbiton High School to support us with this event. They enjoyed this experience so much, that they have asked to either return next year or to carry out their Duke of Edinburgh Award at St John’s.

  • Once again, we have been able to organise the Kingston Country Dance Festival at Kings Meadow. This year 17 schools participated from the borough. Our PE curriculum has the theme ‘Dance’, this element enriches the children's experiences of dance, develops skills/coordination, and gives them the opportunity to develop their confidence to perform for an audience (large audience)!

  • We had an excellent Science Week, where we also looked at the contributions of Black and Asian scientists. The idea behind this particular curriculum week was to raise awareness, spark enthusiasm and celebrate science, engineering, technology and maths with people of all ages and from all walks of life.


Hot Weather

As you will be aware, next week is due to be extremely hot so we would like the children to come into school on Monday and Tuesday wearing loose, light but appropriate uniform clothing. Please be assured that we shall be taking great care that your child does not overheat but we would ask that you send them in with a sunhat and sun cream already applied as well as their water bottle which they will be able to refill.


Year 2 St Lucia Day

Byron class will be jetting off to St Lucia on Wednesday 20th July. Remember a packed bag or suitcase and a packed lunch too! mufti clothes (no PE kit).


School Term Dates 2022/2023

Autumn Term

1st September - 16th December (school closes at 2 pm)

Half Term: 24th October - 28th October

Spring Term

3rd January -31st March (school closes 2 pm)

Half term: 13th February - 17th February

Summer Term

17th April - 20th July (school closes 2 pm)

Half term: 29th May - 2nd June







School Term Dates 2023/2024

Autumn Term 2023

4 September to 21 December

Half term: 23 October to 27 October

Spring term 2024

8 January to 28 March

Half term: 12 February to 16 February

Summer term 2024

15 April to 24 July

Half term: 27 May to 31 May

INSET days







Further Dates for your Diary

  • Tuesday 19th July (2 pm): Year 6 Leavers Service

  • Tuesday 19th July: (5 pm) Year 6 BBQ

  • Wednesday 20th July: Year 2 St Lucia day

  • Thursday 21st July: Nursery last day

  • Friday 22nd July (2 pm finish): Last Day of Term


Links to more information




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