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St John’s News 2: September 2021

The Lord God wants you to honour all human authorities. 1 Peter 2:13


A message from the Head

Our children are gradually returning to their school routines and enjoying being together socially. We continue to explore the Christian value Respect, with the children thinking of the adults who care for us by helping at home, appreciating what's done for them, cooperating and taking responsibility for their actions. Most children have said how they are trying to help out at home and show respect.

Last Wednesday, news is emerged of the cabinet reshuffle. Gavin Williamson has been relieved of his duties as Education Secretary, and the new appointment is Nadhim Zawahi, who has previously held the position of Secretary of State for Children and Families. I sincerely hope that he can cut through some of the ‘political red tape’ and put our children at the heart of Government policy.

Attendance has been very good so far this term. Thank you for your help in making sure that your children attend school and arrive on time. As we no longer have a staggered start to the day, punctuality is vitally important. Many classes undertake important learning first thing in the morning whilst the children are bright and fresh, and it can be unsettling for children who arrive late.

If your child is unable to attend school, it is VITALLY IMPORTANT that you inform us of this and let us know why, before 9am on the day of absence. Please e-mail school or leave a message on the absence line, giving your child’s name, class and a brief reason for absence. If we are not informed of a reason for an absence, it will be recorded as unauthorised. Should you require leave for your child, please complete a request form. Authorised leave will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. We do not have jurisdiction to authorise family holidays or a long weekends in any circumstances.


OWL & Forest School News

We have continued harvesting our summer crops and are busy planting winter vegetables for munching on in the new year. We have been chopping wood ready for the cold weather, and we have been learning about using Zones of Regulation to help us with our feelings.

If you shop at Morrisons please use you MyMorrisons App and let us have your Good to Grow tokens to help us buy gardening equipment.


Blue Mufti Day

Thank you to the children and staff for dressing in blue and donating money for charity to pay tribute to staff member Sue Elford. Just under £230 was raised - thank you again for your generosity.


Welcome to our new children

We welcome Reception and Nursery children who had a staggered start to school. They are settling in and enjoying their new settings.


Free School Meals / Pupil Premium

Children of families in receipt of certain benefits may be eligible for additional funding – Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) - which we can use to provide free clubs, assist with trip payments, milk and lunches for your child. Even if you don’t wish to take advantage of any of these, St John’s can still claim much-needed funding for those who are eligible. Under current rules the funding lasts for 6 years, even if your circumstances change in that time. If you have not already applied, or if your circumstances have changed recently, we would encourage you to check eligibility and apply online.


INSET day added this term

To compensate for the additional inset day this academic year for Her Majesty The Queen's Jubilee falling in May Half term, an INSET day has been added to the end of this autumn term. So now the last day of this term will be on Thursday 16th December at 2pm, not Friday 17th December.


Shoebox Appeal

Please help support the Family & Elderly Shoebox Appeal 2021. Please return your donations to School or a the church service at St John's Church, by 22nd October. Thank you.


Macmillan Coffee Morning and Cake Sale

Friday 24th September cake sale raising funds for Macmillan outside St John's Church after school. Cards or cash accepted.

St John's Church Community Café

The café has now reopened! Do pop in and enjoy a cuppa, chat and bacon butty between 11am and 1pm on the first Saturday of the month.


All Age Harvest Festival

St John's Church will be re-starting their All Age Worship on Sunday 3rd October at 10:30am, as we celebrate Harvest Festival. At this service they will be collecting harvest donations for the food bank.

These are the items they need at the moment:

Urgently needed items

Juice (squash); Instant mash; rice; household cleaning items (including washing up liquid, washing machine tablets); toiletries such as shower gel, toothbrushes, shaving foam and razors; toilet roll.

They have plenty of pasta, cereals, pulses, baked beans, pasta sauce, biscuits and coffee.

If you want to check which items they need before shopping you can look on the website

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Secondary School Admissions

Y6 Parents: Please see the Admissions guide to Kingston's Secondary Schools for 2022 entry on the Year 6 page on our website. Please continue to check our website for further information and updates. It is important that you also continue to check the secondary schools’ website for their Open Days (please note Hollyfield have just moved their open evening online).

Please find attached the AfC Transfer to secondary school presentation.

The Admission to Kingston's Secondary Schools guide and the Kingston schools brochure are available on the Kingston Council website. These have been revised, and provide detailed information on the application process and the borough schools.

If you have questions or concerns, please to email for support. We are currently operating a callback only service and cannot be reached by telephone by members of the public.

Head of School Admissions, Achieving for Children - providing children’s services for Kingston and Richmond, Phone: 020 8547 5284 / 07849 309059

The deadline for applications is Sunday 31 October 2021.


School Tours

Mrs Hutchinson will be giving school tours for prospective parents. Please book via the school website home page

5th October at 3.30pm

3rd November 3.30pm

7th December 3.30pm

Applying for a School Reception place

You can now apply for a School Reception place for September 2022. For more information please see

The deadline for applying for a Primary School place is 15 January 2022.


School Health

The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) will take place on Tuesday 19th October for Reception and Year 6 children. Information will be sent to parents in advance.

The Flu Immunisation programme takes place on Thursday 7th October for years Reception through to Y6. A link has been sent to all parents (Year R-6) to complete the e-consent Nasal Flu Consent Form. The link to the consent form will close at midnight on the 4th of October. Please note they will not be accepting late forms.


New COVID rules

There is no need to self-isolate as a close contact if you have been double vaccinated. Children also do not need to isolate due to contact. Those who test positive with COVID themselves will still need to isolate but this will not affect the rest of the pupils. This means we no longer need to keep the children in consistent groups, known as ‘bubbles’.

The government has removed the requirement to wear face coverings in law but expects and recommends that they are worn in enclosed and crowded spaces where you may come into contact with people you don’t normally meet.

For this reason we will ask parents/carers to continue to wear a face mask/covering when on school site. This is especially important when picking children up from the playground at the end of the school day.




- Please may we remind you that we are a ‘Nut Free School’ as we do have children with severe allergies to this. Please see our policy on Allergies (including Nut & Food) on the school website.

- If you do send grapes for your child's lunch, please can we ask them to cut in half to avoid the risk of choking.

- Please ensure children wear helmets if riding scooters and bikes.

School meals

Our new school meals provider is Caterlink. If you wish your child to have a school meal, it is important that you remember to order this via Parent Pay.


We expect all children to be in St John’s full uniform. Proper black school shoes must be worn. Children will be expected to wear the St John PE uniform (plain white t-shirt and dark blue or black shorts) on the days they have PE. Please see our Uniform Policy on the school website. Your child’s teacher will let you know which days these are. Please send your child to school with only what is necessary for their school day i.e. reading book and diary, homework. They do not need pencil cases nor toys (soft or hard).

Lost Property

There are a few (unnamed) school jumpers, a grey hoody and a few hairbands in lost property - please do contact the office if your child has lost anything.


Dates for your Diary

  • Sat 2nd October: 11am-1pm St John's Church Community Café

  • Weds 6th Oct: 7.45pm PSA AGM at The Spring Grove

  • Thursday 7th Oct: Flu immunisations for Reception-Year 6

  • Thursday 7th Oct: 2pm Harvest Festival Church service

  • Saturday 9th Oct: 10.30am PSA Fun Run

  • Monday 11th Oct: Individual School Photos

  • Tues 19th Oct: National Child Measurement Programme Reception and Year 6

  • Fri 22nd Oct: 6pm PSA School Disco in St John's Church

  • Mon 24-Fri 28th Oct: Half term

  • Sat 6th Nov: 11am-1pm St John's Church Community Café

  • Mon 22nd Nov: INSET day

  • Sat 4th Dec: 11am-1pm St John's Church Community Café

  • Thursday 11th Nov: 2pm Remembrance Day Church Service

  • Weds 15th Dec: 10am Christmas service in school

  • Thursday 16th Dec: 2pm Last day of autumn term

  • Friday 17th Dec: INSET day


Links to more information




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