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St John’s News 21

Let us run with perseverance the race that lies before us. Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. Hebrews 12: 1-2


A message from the Head

We have made it to the end of a very interesting and unusual school year. We almost made it without any ‘Bubble’ closure. It was unfortunate we had to close our Reception bubble on Monday. Despite this, we have had another successful year with all our children working hard in school to achieve their full potential.

We are so happy to be able to spend the last few days of term with almost the whole school as this was not possible last summer. Thank you for your continued support throughout the year and we hope you all have a wonderful summer. We look forward to seeing all children on Thursday 2nd September (Years 1-6).

As we are expecting updated guidelines at the end of August, we will share our plans for the Autumn term at the end of the summer holidays. Our plans will ensure all our children can return safely to school. We are very excited and hopeful at the prospect of some normality in September.

We will be saying goodbye to a number of families and our Year 6 pupils this week. We will miss Rory from Year 2 and Jos from Nursery and of course our delightful Year 6 children. We wish them all the best in their new schools and for the future. Don’t forget to come and visit us! ​

We also wish Miss Channer, Miss Clegg, Mrs Palmer-Hall, Mrs Jaquest and Mrs Hunter all the best in their future endeavours. The staff and children will miss them all. Thank you for all your have done for St John's.


Goodbye Year 6!

We wish our Year 6 students a fantastic summer before they start their new Secondary Schools in September. It has been a pleasure teaching them at St John's and we are sorry to say goodbye!

They have had a brilliant final fortnight with a leavers party and trips to Chessington World of Adventures, Thames Young Mariners and Go Ape! They particularly enjoyed cooling off on the hottest day of the year in the lake at Thames Young Mariners with a paddle board and swim. Thank you to Mr Redhead and the support of all parents who helped make their final year of primary school so special.


Science week

This week classes 1-5 were incredibly fortunate to participate in some very explosive science! As we are part of The Ogden Trust , the initiative was run by the Royal Institution by scientists Jemma and Dani.

Each class could make their predictions, respond to observations and have great fun learning.

These children really enjoyed the experience...

"I liked the explosions that happened!"

"I liked the fizzing up one!"

"The explosions were great!"

"The fire was amazing!"

Thank you to the RI, The Ogden Trust and the amazing scientists at St. John's!


The Phoenix

Years 5 and 3 enjoyed their first trip out in a while when they joined The Community Brain to help build a Phoenix as part of the Summer of Fun. The children were beautifully behaved and had a lovely time drawing, painting and building. Well done years 5 & 3!


The Governors' Prize

Every year teachers select one child from their class to receive The Governors' Prize. This is awarded to a child who has shown the values of St John's and has tried their best in all areas. Congratulations and well done to all winners.

The winners are:

Nursery: Henry Stephens

Ava Richardson

Reception: Sebastian Wainwright

Year 1: Sophie-Rose Burton

Year 2: Ioannis Vasilakis

Year 3: Thea Brooksbank-Brown

Year 4: Arabella Pitcher

Year 5: David Whitehouse

Year 6: Freddy Sims


The House Cup

The House Cup for this term is awarded to Herons. Well done everyone!


See all of our photo galleries from our week of 150th anniversary celebrations by clicking on the links below.

The children and staff had a wonderful week celebrating and commemorating this milestone anniversary. Thank you to all parents and carers for your support for this special week.


OWL & Forest School News

LAST CHANCE - Woodland Warriors - Holiday Club

Our holiday club is filling up fast - all the booking details can be found here



Lost property

Lost property collected over this term is on the table by the school entrance until the end of the school day tomorrow. If your child has lost anything please do come and check the table. Anything unclaimed will be donated to the PSA or to charity at the end of this week. Thank you.

End of Summer term

The last day of term for school is this Thursday. Please pick your child up one hour earlier than usual:

Year 1: 2pm

Year 2: 2pm

Year 3: 2.10pm

Year 4: 2.05pm

Year 5: 2.05pm

Year 6: 2.15pm

The last day for nursery is today Wednesday 21st July. Pick up time is as usual.



Food4kids is back for the Summer holidays. St John’s church will be offering free, simple home cooked meals to any child in need. Pre-packed, pre-cooked takeaway and heat at home cooked food (may contain nuts and other allergens). If you would like free meals for your child please call 0208 546 9542.

We are also able to provide emergency food parcels too!


Dates for your Diary

  • Weds 1st Sept: INSET Day

  • Thursday 2nd Sept: Years 1 - 6 first day of autumn term

  • Weds 8th Sept: Returning nursery first day of term

  • Mon 24-Fri 28th Oct: Half term

  • Friday 16th Dec: Last day of autumn term


Links to more information




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