Pay others the honour and respect you owe them. Romans 13:7
A message from the Head
As we are now a month into the new school year, we are slowly returning to our new normal. October is Black History Month and is celebrated nationally. Aligning this with our Christian value ‘Respect’, the children will be exploring respect for others: everyone is special; everyone's opinion matters; everyone's contribution is important; everyone's feelings should be considered, and everyone's faith is sacred.
Each class is learning about a BAME artist, and will be producing work in that style.
We intend to resume educational trips where it is safe to do so, and we can get the children there with minimum disruption. To this end local trips will go ahead, and where we can take public transport, this will be also an option.
We are still seeing people who have been vaccinated against COVID contracting this virus. Even though the rules have changed and been relaxed, in order to continue to safeguard our pupils’ learning and staff health we will have our Parents’ Evening virtually. More information will be sent out to you along with your appointment time and google meet code.
We welcomed all the children back to Church at our Harvest service on Thursday afternoon. The children thoroughly enjoyed the service and were in awe at being back inside the Church building. It was wonderful to hear them singing in Church again.

OWL & Forest School News
In our grounds this week we have been spotting the signs of Autumn as the weather attracts some new guests and fungi to the forest area.
All the groups are continuing to learn about their Zones of Regulation - ask you child “what colour are you in?” and see if they can answer why.
School photos
A reminder that individual and sibling photos will be taken on Monday 11th October. Please ensure your child is wearing full school uniform. If it is your child's PE day then could they please bring their school jumper and top to wear for the photo.
Thank you PSA
The PSA are getting ready for an exciting new fundraising year. Thank you to all those who volunteer to help the PSA with their fundraising efforts and to all our Class Reps too.
School Street
We have now been informed by the Sustainable Transport Officer for Kingston that ‘School Street’ will be starting on the 1st November. The school street for St John's will be a timed restriction on motor vehicles entering the controlled pedestrian and cycle zone between 8.30-9.30am and 2.45-3.45pm from Monday to Friday during school term times only. The school street will be on Portland Road between the junctions of Three Bridges Path and the Southern junction of Denmark Road. The scheme will run from a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 18 months. Special passes can be applied for by those that meet the criteria due to disability, living or working on Portland Road etc.
School lunches
Caterlink have advised that you will be unable to order your child a lunch after half term, until 1/11/21. We will ensure there are meals for all that would normally take one.
Shoebox Appeal
Please help support the Family & Elderly Shoebox Appeal 2021. Please return your donations to School or a the church service at St John's Church, by 22nd October. Thank you.
Secondary School Admissions
Y6 Parents: Please see the Admissions guide to Kingston's Secondary Schools for 2022 entry on the Year 6 page on our website. Please continue to check our website for further information and updates. It is important that you also continue to check the secondary schools’ website for their Open Days (please note Hollyfield have just moved their open evening online).
Please find attached the AfC Transfer to secondary school presentation.
The Admission to Kingston's Secondary Schools guide and the Kingston schools brochure are available on the Kingston Council website. These have been revised, and provide detailed information on the application process and the borough schools.
If you have questions or concerns, please to email for support. We are currently operating a callback only service and cannot be reached by telephone by members of the public.
Head of School Admissions, Achieving for Children - providing children’s services for Kingston and Richmond, Phone: 020 8547 5284 / 07849 309059
The deadline for applications is Sunday 31 October 2021.

School Tours
Mrs Hutchinson will be giving school tours for prospective parents. Please book via the school website home page
3rd November 3.30pm
7th December 3.30pm
Applying for a School Reception place
You can now apply for a School Reception place for September 2022. For more information please see
The deadline for applying for a Primary School place is 15 January 2022.

School Health
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) will take place on Tuesday 19th October for Reception and Year 6 children. Information has been sent to parents.
The Flu Immunisation programme should have taken place on Thursday 7th October for Reception through to Y6 but was cancelled due to staff shortages and technical issues with the Immunisation team. A new date will be set and we will inform parents of the date. A link has been sent to all parents (Year R-6) to complete the e-consent Nasal Flu Consent Form.
New COVID rules
There is no need to self-isolate as a close contact if you have been double vaccinated. Children also do not need to isolate due to contact. Those who test positive with COVID themselves will still need to isolate but this will not affect the rest of the pupils. This means we no longer need to keep the children in consistent groups, known as ‘bubbles’.
The government has removed the requirement to wear face coverings in law but expects and recommends that they are worn in enclosed and crowded spaces where you may come into contact with people you don’t normally meet.
For this reason we will ask parents/carers to continue to wear a face mask/covering when on school site. This is especially important when picking children up from the playground at the end of the school day.
Christmas cards
- The deadline for sending in your child's designs is Monday 18th October. Please ensure you complete the form and include your child's name.
- Please may we remind you that we are a ‘Nut Free School’ as we do have children with severe allergies to this. Please see our policy on Allergies (including Nut & Food) on the school website.
- If you do send grapes for your child's lunch, please can we ask them to cut in half to avoid the risk of choking.
- Please ensure children wear helmets if riding scooters and bikes.
- Please ensure long hair is tied back for school in order to prevent the spread of nits.
School meals
- Our new school meals provider is Caterlink. If you wish your child to have a school meal, it is important that you remember to order this via Parent Pay.
- If providing a packed lunch for your child, please ensure you provide healthy snacks for them to eat.
Lost Property
There are a few (unnamed) school jumpers, a grey hoody and a few hairbands in lost property - please do contact the office if your child has lost anything.
Class pages on the website
- Please keep an eye on your child's class page on our website for regular photos and updates.
Dates for your Diary
Monday 11th Oct: Individual School Photos
Mon 18th Oct: Christmas card design deadline
Tues 19th Oct: National Child Measurement Programme Reception and Year 6
Fri 22nd Oct: 6pm PSA School Disco in St John's Church
Mon 24-Fri 28th Oct: Half term
1st, 2nd, 4th Nov: Online parents evening
Sat 6th Nov: 11am-1pm St John's Church Community Café
Mon 22nd Nov: INSET day
Sat 4th Dec: 11am-1pm St John's Church Community Café
Thursday 11th Nov: 2pm Remembrance Day Church Service
Weds 15th Dec: 10am Christmas service in school
Thursday 16th Dec: 2pm Last day of autumn term
Friday 17th Dec: INSET day