Freely you have received; freely give. Matthew 10:8
A message from the head
We are now approaching the first Half Term of our school year, and we find ourselves asking ‘where has the time gone?’
Continuing with our Christian value ‘Generosity’, I would like to thank you for all your kind donations sent in to our school for our Harvest Service. We know there are many homes that appreciate our collective efforts to keep food on their tables in these trying economic times.

We had a fabulous Harvest Service in Church, with the children leading the service with our vicar, Lindiwe. I would like to congratulate all the children for their lovely singing, thoughts and prayers again. I hope parents and carers who were able to attend enjoyed the morning.
We are also collecting the Christmas Shoebox Appeal as part of the charity Link to Hope. It is so encouraging to hear our children discussing what they would like to do for others less fortunate than themselves. Thank you to all those families who have already donated boxes ahead of the deadline of Friday 21st October (last day of this half term). If you haven't yet donated and would like to do so, please bring boxes in next week.
Well done and thank you to Newton Y5 for leading Collective Worship on Tuesday. Their brilliant worship was all about Courageous Advocacy. The pupils planned the assembly to discuss what the term 'Courageous Advocacy' meant and how the school community could be generous with their time, money and love. They focussed on the work of Greta Thunberg and the impact she had had on the world. Class Five reminded everyone that 'we are never too small or young to be generous with our time and help others in need'. We had an encouraging turn of parents and carers. Thank you to those who attended to support the pupils. Newton Year 5 did a fantastic job! Well done!

St John's also took part in the world Mental Health day by all doing some Mindfulness activities in class. We know it affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of our lives, from childhood through adulthood. We will also soon be having a special assembly on looking after our mental health.

Kingston Mosque
As part of the RE topic Islam, Darwin Year 3 took a walk to visit our local Kingston Mosque. They learnt how this place of worship helps Muslims, and were lucky to practise Arabic writing and try on traditional Islamic clothing. All the children were very well behaved, and of course a little tired from this learning trip. Thank you to the parents who accompanied the class to keep them safe on their walk.
Christmas Cards
The children have been designing their Christmas designs (Cauliflower Cards) in school or have taken them home. These are then printed on cards as per your order which is placed online. Please do make sure they are all completed and returned to school by Tuesday 18th October.
Secondary school transfer for September 2023 entry
Online applications for places in Kingston Borough secondary schools are now open.
The closing date for applying for a year 7 place is 31 October 2022.
NB - As the application deadline falls during October half term we strongly recommend that you apply ahead of this so that we can help you with any queries or problems you may have.
Key dates:
• 31 October 2022 - Closing date for receipt of online and paper applications, including
supplementary forms where applicable
• 1 March 2023 – National Offer Day
• 15 March 2023 – Deadline for accepting or declining offer
For further details including dates for individual secondary school open events, please see the brochure, Admissions to Kingston Secondary Schools.
Dates for your Diary
All dates appear on our school calendar on the school website. This includes school holiday dates, inset days, clubs, swimming and parent's evenings. You can find the calendar here: