Do good, lend and expect nothing in return and your reward will be great.
Luke 6:35
A message from the Head
We are continuing to explore the Christian Value Compassion, and our children are beginning to understand what it is and how it may look. Last week, Byron Y4 led collective worship on Tuesday. This was a lovely thought provoking worship commemorating Remembrance Day. I hope the parents who were able to attend, enjoyed the worship reflection time. Thank you again to Byron Y4, and well done!
Our Wellbeing and Mental Health Ambassadors attended Primary Schools’ mini Mental Health conference at Southborough High School. On their return, they gave a brief talk to the school on Wellbeing, and on Monday launched our Anti Bullying week by wearing odd socks.
Darwin Y3, as part of their Geography Rain Forest theme, visited Kew gardens. They learnt about the variety of plants, and food we get from tropical rainforests. The children were great role models for St John’s. Thank you to the parents/carers that accompanied the class.
Byron Y4 visited the Orleans House Art Gallery in Twickenham to participate in an Art Workshop. They learnt about shading and different types of pencils that create different tones and textures. They also learnt to use wire and tape to create a structure and worked as part of a team. These are very important skills, particularly when working on design technology projects in school.
This years’ Anti Bullying theme is ‘Reach Out’, which encourages children to speak out if they or someone they know is affected by bullying. As part of our work around anti bullying, we have made our own video with short clear messages from the children.
Attendance and Punctuality
All children should be in school by 8:45am. Children arriving after this time are late, and are missing crucial learning time. Our start of the school day, is in line with the recommended statutory hours of schooling from the DfE. We celebrate attendance weekly in our Friday collective worship, and the children know the importance of this.
You can find the winners of the Attendance Award on our House Points & Attendance page
Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge Organisers have been drawn up by teachers to outline the knowledge, skills and vocabulary covered in specific subjects. These can be found on your child's class page on the website. Please take the opportunity to recap the knowledge and vocabulary learnt by going through these Knowledge Organisers with your child.
Fund Raising
A big thank you to everyone for helping us raise funds for our partner school, Makalapadzua in Malawi. We raised £326.50. This will go some way in supporting the school to purchase basic stationary. Thank you for supporting ‘Children in Need’, allowing your child to wear yellow/dots or mufti.
Forest School Christmas Holiday Club
Come and enjoy the Holiday magic in the outdoors, make new friends, create amazing memories with Forest School Holiday workshops. The two day workshops are filled with plenty of seasonal activities for all primary school aged children, from arts and crafts to real-size tool use and fire-making. What holiday treats could we be cooking on the fire this winter? The Clubs run the week of 19th December. More Here
Please find here an excellent Safeguarding Hand-book for primary schools by the Kingston and Richmond Safeguarding Team. Safeguarding—In Safe hands
The National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Continues to operate 24 hours a day including bank holidays & weekends. 0808 2000 247
Please remember if you have any concerns or questions regarding Safeguarding out of school hours follow the link.
PSA dates for your diary
You can keep up to date with all PSA events on their page on the school website here.

Please visit the Easy Fund Raising App to easily raise money for the School. Simply visit, and select St John's School as your chosen charity.
Dates for your Diary
All dates appear on our school calendar on the school website. This includes school holiday dates, inset days, clubs, swimming and parent's evenings. You can find the calendar here: