It is the Governors and our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school or when participating in a school organised event outside of normal school hours. We ask that all parents, carers and children respect the school uniform policy. We believe our uniform should instill a sense of identity and belonging. We want our children to be comfortable in school as well as ensuring high standards and consistency.
“School uniform supports effective teaching and learning and engenders a positive, calm and respectful teaching and learning environment.” (Department for Education)
St John's uses Macpac to supply uniform direct to your home
We require that you label your uniform, we recommend using My Nametags, be sure to use our unique code 28469 at the checkout to help us raise funds for our PSA
Uniform list
The Nursery does not have a uniform, but please follow these recommendations:
trousers should be jogging bottoms or have elasticated waists;
sensible shoes or trainers (NOT flip flops, NO laces); and
washable clothes which your child can be independent in.
MAPAC our uniform providers, sell a light blue sweatshirt with the school logo as worn by our Infant
children. This may be worn in the Nursery.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
All children:
Deep blue crew neck sweatshirt, deep blue jumper or cardigan with the school logo printed or embroidered on it (a V neck may be worn if preferred for ease of wear)
Grey shorts or long trousers
White shirt or white polo shirt with school logo
Grey socks
White blouse or white polo shirt with school logo
Grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers
Summer weather (optional): pale blue and white checked dress and white socks
Tie for special events in Y2 (elasticated)
PE kit
Black shorts, white T-shirt
Black plimsolls
PE bag
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
All children:
Deep blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan with the school logo printed or embroidered on it
White polo shirt with school logo or white shirt
Grey long trousers or shorts grey socks
White blouse or white polo shirt with school logo
Grey skirt or pinafore dress or trousers
Summer weather (optional): pale blue and white checked dress and white socks
Tie for special events
PE kit
Black shorts, white T-shirt
Black plimsolls
PE bag
Black/dark blue jogging pants
Forest School/OWL
Black shorts, white T-shirt
Black/dark blue jogging pants
Trainers/wellington boots – (as instructed Forest School Leader/Class teacher)
All uniform should be labelled, either with a laundry marker pen or with an iron-on/sewn-in label.
Footwear for Reception, Years 1 - 6
Everyday footwear must be safe and sensible for playground and indoor use
No narrow or raised heels are allowed
Children should wear sensible black school shoes with flat heels (no boots please unless given permission).
The wearing of jewellery other than ear studs is not allowed, as it can be dangerous both to the wearer and others
Older children may wear watches. Children will be asked to remove ear studs and watches for swimming and PE.
All children, girls and boys, are requested to have their hair tied back when it is long enough to do so. This is both for smartness and health and safety reasons
All long hair must be tied back for PE and cookery.
Pupils have the right to dress in accordance with their true gender identity within the constraints of
our dress code, outlined in our School Uniform Policy.
The role of parents/carers
We ask all parents and carers who send their children to St John’s to support the school uniform
policy. It is the responsibility of parents and carers to ensure that their child has the correct uniform
and that it is clean, in good repair and named. Any parent wanting to request special dispensation with regard to school uniform should apply to the Headteacher.